Some dates in the calender are a little less ordinary than the rest. Today, for instance is one such date.
Four years ago, on this day a naive little girl walked through the gates of Cognizant Pune with bittersweet thoughts and loads of dreams. She thought life could only get better from there.
Today when I look back, I smile....I smile at her naivety.
Its been a long journey. A journey that taught me more than what most people learn in their entire life time. I had many firsts... and many lasts too. I saw the cheerful bright hues and the depressing dark tinges, all the fifty shades of life. I didn't just survive the winters to welcome the springs, but lived through the summers and danced through the rains as well. I met new people and discovered new faces of old people. Some grew good friends, some well-wishing-acquaintances , a few fair-weather-friends and the rest became known strangers.
But most importantly, the last four years brought me face to face with myself. Today when she walks down the road, I still see a plump little girl walking.
But this is not all that I see... I see a strong woman who has consistently fought back the nasty punches of life...I see a girl who has retained a heart in a mechanical world.....a see a vulnerable child, who hopes against hope, cries when they shatter and wakes up the next day with a new hope.....I see a typical bitchy shopaholic gossipmonger :P. Yes, I see them, all fifty of my shades.
I should thank all the people who have been part of this roller coaster ride. Even though it hasn't been a bed of roses, I would not have it any other way. Cheers!!